“In the last four years, over 900 companies have made commitments to expand in the state with the help of the California Competes Tax Credit.” said Will Koch, GO-Biz Deputy Director and Chair of the California Competes Tax Credit Committee. “This credit encourages companies from around the world to locate, expand and add good paying jobs in California, and GO-Biz will continue to educate and work with our regional and local partners to ensure companies of all sizes know about this important resource.”
About GO-Biz
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) serves as the State of California’s leader for job growth and economic development efforts. GO-Biz offers a range of services to business owners including: attraction, retention and expansion services, site selection, permit streamlining, clearing of regulatory hurdles, small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government, and much more. For more information visit, www.business.ca.gov.