There are many different spine conditions common in adults. Some of them are developed by unhealthy postures, while others have origins in our genetic inheritance. Scoliosis is specific because scientists are not sure what causes such a condition. The common...
“If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” – Aristotle Scoliosis affects between 2% and 3% of the world’s population. That may sound like a small number at first, but when you realize that between 140,000,000 and 210,000,000 people...
The first mention of scoliosis was in the 5th century BC. Although thousands of years have passed since its first diagnosis (quite literally), its cause remains largely unknown. Still, the condition accounts for over 20% of all spinal deformity cases in the US, and...
Scoliosis is a unique medical condition that can have a severe impact on the patient’s quality of life. It affects between six to nine million people in the USA or about two to three percent of the population. There are a few different treatments for scoliosis,...
Despite the fact that the condition affects only around 0.06% of children, most people have heard about pectus carinatum, more commonly known as pigeon chest. But how much do you really know about it?Today, we’re going to look at pigeon chest, see what causes it, and...
Whether you know it or not, back pain is a huge problem in America. According to the numbers provided by the American Chiropractic Association, more than 31 million people in the United States experience back problems at any given moment. But how many of them...