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The Ultimate Guide to Prosthetic Socks

The Ultimate Guide to Prosthetic Socks

Are you curious about prosthetic socks and how they work? Do you use ply socks or deal with someone who uses them daily? If yes, then you’ve landed on the right page. Here we’ll tell you about the selection, uses, maintenance, and other crucial aspects of...
A Guide to Prosthetic Socks and Prosthetic Liners

A Guide to Prosthetic Socks and Prosthetic Liners

Who said that a missing limb limits one’s life? If anything, it makes you more full of life than ever. Moreover, with the advanced developments in the HealthTech industry, it’s only a matter of weeks before you get back on your feet (literally and...
Things to Consider When Looking for a Prosthetist

Things to Consider When Looking for a Prosthetist

Prosthetists are skilled and qualified medical professionals concerned with designing and fitting artificial supporting devices for people with disabilities. These devices are usually of the limbs and include artificial limbs (prostheses), surgical devices, etc. Apart...
A Step by Step Guide to Getting Above the Knee Prosthetics

A Step by Step Guide to Getting Above the Knee Prosthetics

“Transfemoral amputation” is the medical term for removing the leg from any point higher than the knee joint. Also known as ‘Above-the-knee amputation’. There can be many different reasons for a person to undergo surgery, such as frost-bite, vehicle accident, or...
Understanding Above the Knee Prosthetics and Amputation

Understanding Above the Knee Prosthetics and Amputation

Above-the-knee amputation, or AKA for short, implicates the surgical removal of the leg from or above the knee. Typically done by cutting through the thigh tissue and femoral bone completely. An above-the-knee amputation includes removing the leg from any point above...