Pectus carinatum, better known as “pigeon chest” is a rare deformity that occurs in around one in 1,500 births. Males are more commonly affected by pigeon chest than females. Early symptoms vary from case to case and the cause of it is unknown, although it is linked...
Scoliosis is one of the most common conditions among adolescents in the world. According to Paul Sponseller, M.D., nearly 3 million new scoliosis cases are registered every year, in the US alone. What most people fail to realize is that scoliosis is a serious disease...
Scoliosis affects between 6 and 9 million people in the United States. While scoliosis occurs equally among males and females, it mostly affects young people. A vast majority of patients are teenagers. However, people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s can also develop...
Many different types of orthoses and braces serve many different purposes. Spine alignment braces can help those who have scoliosis, cervical orthoses help support your neck and chin, and knee orthoses can help you heal after knee surgery. However, the most...
There are many different spine conditions common in adults. Some of them are developed by unhealthy postures, while others have origins in our genetic inheritance. Scoliosis is specific because scientists are not sure what causes such a condition. The common...
Chest deformities usually occur during early childhood and only get visible when the child hits puberty. Although these conditions occur in a small percentage of children – only around 1 in 300 kids experience it – that still means that millions of children have...