Gentle curves are normal for a healthy spine. These curves help the spine not to get hurt from the movements we make. With spinal curvature disorders, these curves are exaggerated on certain spots on the spine and can cause many difficulties to the person who has...
There’s a wide range of health conditions that require the use of orthoses. No matter if we’re talking about children or adults, it’s important to stress that some of these orthotic devices have a big impact on people’s lives. Therefore, we are going to explore all...
For a child, living with physical challenges can be difficult. Their minds are not mature enough to comprehend the situation fully. Your job as a parent is to help them deal with their difficulty to the best of your abilities. Prosthetics and orthotics can improve a...
Scoliosis rehab is a process in which you pay special attention to reducing this condition’s symptoms. There are several types of rehabilitation options. Each of them is a viable one., However, picking the right method depends on your spine’s curvature degree. All of...
Many different orthotics braces provide support and help heal different parts of the body. Some of them are necessary to wear after various surgeries, while others support certain joints permanently.AFOs, or ankle-foot orthoses, are some of the most commonly-used...
Having scoliosis can mean living with immense pain. Your spine curves sideways, which causes your spinal muscles, nerves, joints, and even hips to hurt.However, you can reduce inflammation and pain with some effortless habits. You can even reverse your spinal...