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The Basics of Prosthetics and How They Work

The Basics of Prosthetics and How They Work

What would life be like without an arm or a leg? It would make most of your daily routines difficult or impossible. That’s the reality for approximately 1.7 million Americans. They can use artificial body parts to regain the functions of the missing limb. Prosthetics,...
The Ultimate Guide to Prosthetic Socks

The Ultimate Guide to Prosthetic Socks

Are you curious about prosthetic socks and how they work? Do you use ply socks or deal with someone who uses them daily? If yes, then you’ve landed on the right page. Here we’ll tell you about the selection, uses, maintenance, and other crucial aspects of...
A Guide to Prosthetic Socks and Prosthetic Liners

A Guide to Prosthetic Socks and Prosthetic Liners

Who said that a missing limb limits one’s life? If anything, it makes you more full of life than ever. Moreover, with the advanced developments in the HealthTech industry, it’s only a matter of weeks before you get back on your feet (literally and...
Schroth Method as a Way of Dealing With Scoliosis

Schroth Method as a Way of Dealing With Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a progressive bone disease that causes curves in the spine. Unfortunately, there’s no simple cure for scoliosis, affecting almost three percent of the population.Surgery is the only thing that permanently helps with scoliosis, but even then, it...
A Guide to Back Braces for Scoliosis in Adults

A Guide to Back Braces for Scoliosis in Adults

Did you know that scoliosis is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide? Estimates suggest that scoliosis affects approximately 6-9 million people in the United States, which is 2-3 percent of the population. It’s a spine disorder that causes the spine to...
Things to Consider When Looking for a Prosthetist

Things to Consider When Looking for a Prosthetist

Prosthetists are skilled and qualified medical professionals concerned with designing and fitting artificial supporting devices for people with disabilities. These devices are usually of the limbs and include artificial limbs (prostheses), surgical devices, etc. Apart...
Understanding Orthosis Devices

Understanding Orthosis Devices

The term ‘orthosis device’ may sound like something from a sci-fi movie. However, these devices are pretty straightforward to understand, even if you’re coming across them for the first time. A doctor can advise you to wear an orthotic device in multiple scenarios,...
Role of Rotational Angular Breathing in Schroth Therapy

Role of Rotational Angular Breathing in Schroth Therapy

Scoliosis affects a significant number of the population, with more than 4 million registered patients in the USA alone. While the condition affects children, young adults, and older generations, adults are more likely to require life-long care for the disorder. The...
A Step by Step Guide to Getting Above the Knee Prosthetics

A Step by Step Guide to Getting Above the Knee Prosthetics

“Transfemoral amputation” is the medical term for removing the leg from any point higher than the knee joint. Also known as ‘Above-the-knee amputation’. There can be many different reasons for a person to undergo surgery, such as frost-bite, vehicle accident, or...
Schroth Therapy for Children With Scoliosis

Schroth Therapy for Children With Scoliosis

Scoliosis is the unnatural curvature or abnormal spine rotation. The severity of the disease can vary significantly from mild to completely crippling. Scoliosis often becomes the cause of many other health conditions as well. It can also hinder the proper functioning...
Understanding Pectus Excavatum

Understanding Pectus Excavatum

Pectus excavatum is the most frequently observed type of chest malformation in children. The condition is also known as “Funnel chest” or “Sunken chest”. It’s a chest wall deformity involving multiple ribs and the breastbone growing inwards. That gives the chest...
Understanding Above the Knee Prosthetics and Amputation

Understanding Above the Knee Prosthetics and Amputation

Above-the-knee amputation, or AKA for short, implicates the surgical removal of the leg from or above the knee. Typically done by cutting through the thigh tissue and femoral bone completely. An above-the-knee amputation includes removing the leg from any point above...
Why Is Catching Scoliosis Early Important?

Why Is Catching Scoliosis Early Important?

As its name suggests, the disorder is known as scoliosis causes the spine to bend inward, this being the stage in which wearing a scoliosis brace is necessary. Scoliosis is most common in young children just before puberty when they are going through a growth spurt....
Nutrition and Supplements for Scoliosis

Nutrition and Supplements for Scoliosis

Scoliosis progression can be slowed down when having an unhealthy diet and the body experiences hormone or neurotransmitter abnormalities. Scoliosis isn’t caused by an inadequate diet on its own. And neither ending up with scoliosis bracing is caused by an...
Long-Term Treatments for Scoliosis

Long-Term Treatments for Scoliosis

Scoliosis bracing for adults could make sense at an adult age, but after many years down the road, how could surgery be avoided? Often, parents of children with scoliosis are rushed into making a choice before they have the time to gather the information needed...
4 Scoliosis Exercises

4 Scoliosis Exercises

Bracing may be the non-surgical approach to treat idiopathic scoliosis so far proven. Yet, exercise is also a reliable method to keep your back flexible. It keeps the spine strong and encourages excellent posture. This article will look into the following:Define...
What’s A Walkaide Device and How Can It Help You?

What’s A Walkaide Device and How Can It Help You?

Have a tough time moving your feet or legs? Perhaps you’re suffering from neurological or muscular issues, which invite conditions like foot drop, resulting in affected legs movement. As a result, some people drag their feet while walking.If left untreated, results...
Short Introduction to Ankle Foot Orthosis

Short Introduction to Ankle Foot Orthosis

An ankle foot orthosis (AFO) is an external biomechanical device, which uses the lower limbs to stabilize the joints, and in turn, improve the physical function of the foot and ankle. It is mainly used as a supportive device through various gait stages, by improving...
Below the Knee Prosthetics

Below the Knee Prosthetics

If you’re an amputee, you’ve probably considered prosthetics as a possible treatment option. However, the world of prosthetics is rather complicated, which is why you should do as much research as possible and consult with your doctor before you finalize any...
Everything You Need to Know About Scoliosis

Everything You Need to Know About Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a very common issue in both children, adults, and the elderly. It is estimated that scoliosis affects around 2-3% of the population in the United States. Some argue that the number might be even higher since many individuals go through their lives without...
Your Guide to Choosing a Scoliosis Brace

Your Guide to Choosing a Scoliosis Brace

Scoliosis is a common spine condition that is prevalent in adolescents. It affects between 2 to 3 percent of the population or approximately six to nine million people in the US. With a progressive condition such as scoliosis, the chosen treatment path is...
Tips and Prosthetic FAQs for the New Amputee

Tips and Prosthetic FAQs for the New Amputee

Becoming an amputee comes with its set of challenges and it’s an experience that few would plan for. Even with support from family and friends, this can be an incredibly scary and frustrating time. Thankfully, limb loss or limb difference does not have to mean an end...
Detection and Treatment of Pigeon Chest in Children

Detection and Treatment of Pigeon Chest in Children

Pectus carinatum affects roughly one in every 1,500 children. Generally referred to as ‘pigeon chest,’ it is a non-life-threatening condition. There are two types of pectus carinatum. One type is called chondrogladiolar prominence. It is a deformity of the breast bone...
How Do Orthotics Work for Diabetes

How Do Orthotics Work for Diabetes

Orthotics are special shoes or heel inserts designed to address foot, leg, or back problems. They help to reduce several foot problems such as flat feet and foot pain. They offer support, absorb shock and provide a cushion-like effect. Orthotics minimize minor pain...
SMO Brace: Overview, Indications and More

SMO Brace: Overview, Indications and More

Being told that your child needs an orthosis is difficult to hear for any parent. But learning about the brace, how it works and what it helps with can ease the transition to accepting the diagnosis. The SMO brace is safe for kids to use. It’s small enough to go...
Developing Scoliosis Later in Life

Developing Scoliosis Later in Life

Back pain is a familiar problem all adults faced. Stressful work, strenuous physical activity, and bad posture are typical causes. It’s a common scenario to visit your doctor to get a prescription for ordinary back pain. But, this changes when your common back problem...
6 Common Spine Disorders That You Should Know About

6 Common Spine Disorders That You Should Know About

The human spine consists of many bones, muscles, white and gray matter arranged in an organized manner. In fact, it’s so amazing that your backbone can carry nearly 2000 pounds without getting crushed! While the bones protect the spinal cord, the white and gray matter...
Orthotics and Sports Rehabilitation

Orthotics and Sports Rehabilitation

Playing sports can be aggressive on your body due to rotational movements at high speeds. And thus, it leads to several injuries. That’s why orthotics have a significant role in sports rehabilitation. The types of orthosis you receive in rehab range from simple...
Is Schroth Therapy Effective?

Is Schroth Therapy Effective?

Scoliosis is a serious medical condition that affects people of all ages. Ever since its discovery in the 5th century, medical practitioners worldwide continue to conduct studies searching for a cure. Until today, there is still no known cure for scoliosis....
A Child’s Journey to Scoliosis Bracing

A Child’s Journey to Scoliosis Bracing

A diagnosis of scoliosis is news no parent or child wants to hear. Though scoliosis is a medical condition of the spine common to children during a growth spurt, it can still impact a child’s life forever. Children diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis are usually...
Developing Scoliosis Later in Life

Developing Scoliosis Later in Life

Back pain is a familiar problem all adults faced. Stressful work, strenuous physical activity, and bad posture are typical causes. It’s a common scenario to visit your doctor to get a prescription for your ordinary back pain. But, this changes when your common back...
How to Take Care of Your Above-Knee Prosthetics

How to Take Care of Your Above-Knee Prosthetics

Prosthetics are a beautiful medical invention that helps amputees in moving around. They perform the functions of a real leg, and at times, look like one. Some users will need crutches or a walker when using a prosthetic leg. However, most can manage without any extra...
Scoliosis Rehab: Dos and Don’ts to Follow

Scoliosis Rehab: Dos and Don’ts to Follow

In case you’re diagnosed with scoliosis, don’t worry. There are plenty of things you can do to remain pain-free. However, it’ll require some effort on your side, as you have to give additional attention to your overall health.  Keep reading to learn what the dos...
Spine Health: How to Keep Your Back Pain Free

Spine Health: How to Keep Your Back Pain Free

Back pain is something that many people experience throughout their lives. However, the percentage of people being seriously affected by spinal disorders is steadily growing.That’s not a surprise, given how many jobs put a lot of pressure on employees’ backs. One...
Dealing With Scoliosis – Exercises You Need To Avoid

Dealing With Scoliosis – Exercises You Need To Avoid

Dealing With Scoliosis – Exercises You Need To Avoid 1/13/2021 0 Comments Living with constant back pain can be exhausting. Unfortunately, back pain is one of the most common pains in the world. Discovering the source of back pain is crucial not only for finding...
Types of Orthoses: A Detailed Guide

Types of Orthoses: A Detailed Guide

There’s a wide range of health conditions that require the use of orthoses. No matter if we’re talking about children or adults, it’s important to stress that some of these orthotic devices have a big impact on people’s lives. ​ Therefore, we are going to explore all...
5 Things to Know Before Visiting a Prosthetist

5 Things to Know Before Visiting a Prosthetist

More than 80% of Americans research health-related topics online. Around 20% of people look up specific hospitals and doctors. Most people tend to do their homework when it comes to picking a doctor or a hospital. The same needs to be done for a prosthetist. ...
What are Your Scoliosis Rehab Options?

What are Your Scoliosis Rehab Options?

Scoliosis rehab is a process in which you pay special attention to reducing this condition’s symptoms. There are several types of rehabilitation options. Each of them is a viable one., However, picking the right method depends on your spine’s curvature degree. All of...
Schroth Method as a Way of Dealing With Scoliosis

Schroth Method as a Way of Dealing With Scoliosis

Sadly, there is no direct cure for scoliosis, and this condition affects over 3% of the population. The only thing that permanently helps with scoliosis is surgery, and even that’s not effective every time. Corrective surgery might help reduce the spinal...
Everything You Need to Know About AFOs

Everything You Need to Know About AFOs

Many different orthotics braces provide support and help heal different parts of the body. Some of them are necessary to wear after various surgeries, while others support certain joints permanently.​AFOs, or ankle-foot orthoses, are some of the most commonly-used...
8 Small Habits That Will Help You Combat Scoliosis

8 Small Habits That Will Help You Combat Scoliosis

Having scoliosis can mean living with immense pain. Your spine curves sideways, which causes your spinal muscles, nerves, joints, and even hips to hurt.​However, you can reduce inflammation and pain with some effortless habits. You can even reverse your spinal...
6 Exercises to Help Your Body Fight Scoliosis

6 Exercises to Help Your Body Fight Scoliosis

Scoliosis can come in many shapes and forms. It can be neuromuscular, congenital, and idiopathic. Some people have an S curve, while others have a C curve. It can also go to the right or the left, depending on your condition. ​Before you start exercising, getting...
Treating Pectus Carinatum: A Short Guide for Parents

Treating Pectus Carinatum: A Short Guide for Parents

Pectus carinatum, better known as “pigeon chest” is a rare deformity that occurs in around one in 1,500 births. Males are more commonly affected by pigeon chest than females. Early symptoms vary from case to case and the cause of it is unknown, although it is linked...
Adult Scoliosis Management

Adult Scoliosis Management

Scoliosis affects between 6 and 9 million people in the United States. While scoliosis occurs equally among males and females, it mostly affects young people. A vast majority of patients are teenagers. However, people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s can also develop...
What is a Scoliosis Brace and How it Can Help Get Your Spine in Order

Scoliosis Braces for Adults: Is It Worth It?

There are many different spine conditions common in adults. Some of them are developed by unhealthy postures, while others have origins in our genetic inheritance.  Scoliosis is specific because scientists are not sure what causes such a condition. The common...
How to Prepare Your Child for Chest Bracing

How to Prepare Your Child for Chest Bracing

Chest deformities usually occur during early childhood and only get visible when the child hits puberty. Although these conditions occur in a small percentage of children – only around 1 in 300 kids experience it – that still means that millions of children have...
The History of Scoliosis: Treatment Through the Centuries

The History of Scoliosis: Treatment Through the Centuries

“If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” – Aristotle Scoliosis affects between 2% and 3% of the world’s population. That may sound like a small number at first, but when you realize that between 140,000,000 and 210,000,000 people...
Everything You Need to Know About Chest Wall Disorders

Everything You Need to Know About Chest Wall Disorders

Some people fail to take chest disorders seriously because only 1.03% of people suffer from it. However, chest disorders are a serious matter and should be treated as such. A seemingly simple chest disorder can lead to serious conditions such as hyperventilation,...
The Most Common Types of Scoliosis Braces for Adults

The Most Common Types of Scoliosis Braces for Adults

The first mention of scoliosis was in the 5th century BC. Although thousands of years have passed since its first diagnosis (quite literally), its cause remains largely unknown. Still, the condition accounts for over 20% of all spinal deformity cases in the US, and...
How Scoliosis Is Diagnosed and Treated

How Scoliosis Is Diagnosed and Treated

Whether you know it or not, back pain is a huge problem in America. According to the numbers provided by the American Chiropractic Association, more than 31 million people in the United States experience back problems at any given moment. But how many of them...
How Prosthetics Work and How A Prosthetist Can Help

How Prosthetics Work and How A Prosthetist Can Help

Does anyone in your life have an artificial limb? If not, have you ever met anyone with prosthetics? In the United States alone, doctors perform between 300 and 500 amputations every day. There’s a good chance that you’ve met numerous people with artificial limbs...
How Scoliosis Is Caused and Symptoms to Look For

How Scoliosis Is Caused and Symptoms to Look For

Your spine is made up of bones called vertebrae, which are piled on top of each other. The vertebrae are there to protect a bundle of nerve fibers called the spinal cord. The spinal cord runs through an opening in the center of each vertebra.Let’s take a deeper...